

3945 Uppsatser om Second-language learning - Sida 1 av 263

Hitta estetiken i språkundervisningen : Hur pedagoger kan arbetar med språket i grundskolans årskurs etta

AbstractThis examination is about how pedagogue can teach language in junior school first year with element of the arts of learning. The purpose of the examination is to take a piece of how pedagogues in two classes in junior school first grade can use the arts for a way of working with the language teaching. The observation of Swedish- and English language training in two classes have give a insight in how two teacher work with the language teaching in first grade. The class teachers who were interview received questions about the observation and what they think about language teaching. The questions were about their basic view on language teaching and arts of learning.

"Är en omogen människa grön?" : Lärares strategier och tankar kring ordinlärning för elever med svenska som andraspråk.

Learning words have shown to be a very crucial part of learning a second language and the one most important factor to make pupils with Swedish as a second language succeed in school. To make sure that all pupils get the right conditions to learn from all subjects and their entire content a wide vocabulary is necessary. Even so it is found that there are shortcomings regarding this kind of teaching in Swedish schools.Through interviews and observations of two teachers that teach pupils with Swedish as a second language, and also with a short reading test for the pupils, the possible strategies that these teachers use for learning words have been studied. The result shows that the teachers are using several strategies and that they are actively working with transmitting these to the pupils, but there are some areas that need developing..

Kommunikation i matematikundervisningen : En studie om kommunikationens och det matematiska språkets betydelse för elevers matematiska lärande

The purpose of this study has been to investigate how four 3rd grade pedagogues allow communication in the teaching of mathematics and how these pedagogues allow their students to use and expand their language of mathematics. It has also been an aim to investigate these four pedagogues? opinions about the significance of communication and of the language of mathematics for students? mathematical learning.The study is based on a sociocultural perspective of Vygotskij?s. The theory implies the importance of using the language and communication for students? learning.

Sjung svenska! - En studie kring huruvida sången kan vara ett redskap i sfi-undervisning

Title: Sing in Swedish! The purpose of this study is to find out how songs and singing could complement Swedish second language education. The method I have used to collect information is qualitative interviews with four persons with different professions: a teacher, a choirleader, a singing teacher and a medical doctor and a laryngologist. The study begins with a few thoughts about my interest in the subject, followed by a short overview of other studies and literature that has been published on the subject. The persons I have interviewed has experiences of either singing, use of voice or teaching of the Swedish language. The results of the interviews have been analysed and compared with the literature.

Svenska är ett sjungande språk : utveckling av svenska som andraspråk genom sång och musik

There are different ways of developing a second language. The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate whether and possibly how music, focused on singing, can improve the development of Swedish as a second language. Through interviews with three vocal teachers, from three different schools in Sweden, and observations of one of the vocal teachers, information about how they work and think about the subject has been collected. The vocal teachers teach groups of second language learners by singing songs made especially for second language learning. The vocal teachers consider singing beneficial in the development of the pronunciation and improvement of the prosody, which affects the students? capacity to sound like a native Swedish speaker.

Integrering av ett främmande språk i matematikundervisningen

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a relatively new method for learning a foreign language. CLIL programs are growing in popularity and more and more schools are adopting it all around the world. There is still no special education for the teachers working with CLIL, though research suggests it may be an effective method for achieving good results.To get a realistic view of the work of a CLIL teacher, I have interviewed four different mathematic teachers who work at CLIL international schools in Spain with English as the foreign language. I have compared their methods and experiences with the main ideas of current research in this particular field.The survey shows that the teachers? views about how CLIL is to be used do not completely correspond to that of the research.

"Språket är grunden till allt" : En fallstudie om förutsättningar för svenskspråklig utveckling hos minoritetsbarn

In this report, a case study of conditions for Swedish language development in children of immigrant origin is presented, and its results explored. The boundaries of the case study are defined as preschool pedagogues? facilitation of Swedish language development through co-learning, in children of immigrant origin in an ethnically segregated urban area. Concepts central to the report include dialogue, second language learning and perspectives on language difficulties. For the theoretical background of the report, a basic sociocultural theorem is used, which links language as well as other areas of development to verbal interaction in a social context.

Engelskundervisning i årskurs 1 : På väg mot A1-nivå i enighet med den europeiska referensramen för språk

The aim of this study was to explore how young students can be taught during their first year of learning English towards the A1 level according to The European Framework of Reference for Languages, and how the students understand their own learning. The study was carried out in two different classes but with the same teacher, who is qualified to teach English to young learners. The result is based on the analysis of a total of twelve observations of English lessons in two classes in school year one and eight group interviews with the students. Recurrent ingredients through all lessons were activities such as listening to teacher talk, watching films or film clips, singing songs and doing rhymes, using drama activities, talking about the meaning of learning English, practicing guessing competence and learning new vocabulary. The teacher consistently talked about and taught different strategies for language learning.

Samhällskunskapsläraren och den interkulturella kompetensen : En deskriptiv studie av fem verksamma lärares interkulturella kompetens i det mångkulturella klassrummet

There are different ways of developing a second language. The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate whether and possibly how music, focused on singing, can improve the development of Swedish as a second language. Through interviews with three vocal teachers, from three different schools in Sweden, and observations of one of the vocal teachers, information about how they work and think about the subject has been collected. The vocal teachers teach groups of second language learners by singing songs made especially for second language learning. The vocal teachers consider singing beneficial in the development of the pronunciation and improvement of the prosody, which affects the students? capacity to sound like a native Swedish speaker.

Under parasollen : En komparativ studie utifrån whole language-teorin och LTG-metoden

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to analyse the reading- and writing-approaches: the LTG-method and the whole language-theory. The attention is to perform a comparative literate-study to distinguish their similarities and differences, and examine which one of the approaches that is most clearly anchored in the syllabus of the subject Swedish. The starting-point of the study is the questions: Which similarities respectively differences have the LTG-method and the whole language-theory? Which one of these theories is most clearly anchored in the syllabus of the subject Swedish? The study has shown that both the whole language-theory and the LTG-method can anchor in the syllabus for Swedish. However the whole language-theory has stronger hold in the syllabus, as the whole language emphasises the meaning of literature for reading- and writing-learning, and considers the pupils reflection during their learning-process and conquered knowledge-goal.

?Det kändes mer som dansen, eller konfirmationen? : En studie om gymnasieelevers upplevelse av modersmålsundervisning

In this study I?ve examined bilingual high-school students? experiences of their education held in their native language. The purpose of this study is to examine bilingual high-school students? experiences of how their school organizes the education that?s held in their native language, and how the students feel that the education in their native language has helped their overall language development and also in terms of learning in general. To complete this study I?ve interviewed six high school students and analyzed their answers using other studies and theories on this subject.

Working with Words

A comparative essay between the findings of research and practical methods in the English classroom conserning vocabulary learning in a foreign language..

Språk och minne ? hinder eller verktyg? : En studie om pedagogers förhållningssätt till elever med språkstörning i lärandesituationer, med fokus på arbetsminne

The purpose of this study is to generate knowledge about how teachers relate to students with language impairment in learning situations, with particular focus on working memory. The questions are: What kind of knowledge do teachers have regarding language impairment and working memory?, What experience do teachers have regarding lack of working memory abilities among students with language impairment and which consequences do the teachers believe such defects may have for the students? and How can teachers create a learning environment that reduces the working memory demand for students with language impairment? A review of the field shows that there are gaps to fill regarding students with language impairment and working memory. Language impairment has so far been neglected by researchers and within the public debate. How working memory capacity affects the students has only recently begun to receive attention in school and research.

Våga,vilja och stärka det svenska språket

Swedish as second language: A qualitative Study of Teachers view of pupils learning ability the Swedish language as the second language.

?Anti-vertigo-systemet behöver kalibreras? : En undersökning av Bamsetidningens läsbarhet i förhållande till målgruppen

Learning words have shown to be a very crucial part of learning a second language and the one most important factor to make pupils with Swedish as a second language succeed in school. To make sure that all pupils get the right conditions to learn from all subjects and their entire content a wide vocabulary is necessary. Even so it is found that there are shortcomings regarding this kind of teaching in Swedish schools.Through interviews and observations of two teachers that teach pupils with Swedish as a second language, and also with a short reading test for the pupils, the possible strategies that these teachers use for learning words have been studied. The result shows that the teachers are using several strategies and that they are actively working with transmitting these to the pupils, but there are some areas that need developing..

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